Sleep is an essential part of your daily life. Doctors recommend teenagers and adults to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep to function properly.
Have you ever wondered what the need for sleep is? Why does the human body require sleep? Is it normal to not sleep in a day or 2-3 days at a stretch? All these questions will be answered today with sufficient reasoning.
Believe it or not, your sleep schedule decides how you work and the level of your activity in a day. If you had a good sound sleep at night, you’ll wake up energized and with a positive mood, all ready to do your set of tasks and activities.
If you forcefully wake up from your sleep expecting to perform a task and if you couldn’t complete your full quota of 7-9 hours of sleep, you’ll be frustrated and unable to focus on your work.
Sleep is a natural process of the human body. Just like having food, drinking water, breathing, etc.
Sleep is a general necessity of the human.
A normal human being needs to have three full meals in a single day and advised to drink at least 2-3 liters of water. Similar to that, in order to stay healthy and active, a human body needs to sleep for a minimum of six hours daily.
The main discussion revolves around how a proper sleep schedule is directly related to the level of your productivity on a regular day.
How is Productivity affected by the amount of sleep?
Did you ever stay awake the whole night to partake in an exam the next day?
That is how I normally used to participate in my year-end exams. I used to wake up with approximately 2-3 hours of sleep and at the end of the day, end up with a bad headache.
First of all, I would experience prolonged drowsiness unless I would take in an excessive amount of caffeine. Given the above casualties during the exam, I would tend to forget my lessons frequently, and the entire day I would have a pretty cranky mood.
This entire sleep deprivation had a negative effect on my exam; although I never flunked my exams, I used to terribly slow and always used to rush just 10-15 minutes before the submission.
Now imagine the completely opposite scenario occurred.
Well, sometimes, I did prepare myself well before an exam, and I used to get adequate sleep of 8-9 hours. When I woke up after a sound sleep of definite hours, I always had a positive vibe, and I was mentally more active.
The tiring drowsiness did not affect my daily activities, and I used to take on all my tasks with a positive mindset.
When I used to sit for my exams, my mind was used to free off any stress or tiredness. I could remember my studies more effectively, and I would finish well before the submission getting time for revision.
So, this indicates a significant difference that if you get proper sleep before a crucial task, you tend to be more successful on it, but still, it might vary from one person to another.
What is a proper sleep schedule?
A major of this discussion deals with a human’s sleep schedule.
Now, we’ll get some insights on what is a proper sleep schedule and how you can achieve it.
A specific sleep schedule is when you have a proper routine of your sleep, and you have a definite time to go to bed and a definite time to wake up.
You can monitor your sleep routine by your day-to-day activities. If you maintain a proper sleep schedule, you’ll see that other than your bedtime, you won’t feel sleepy or when you are awake during your bedtime, you’ll not be able to function properly.
How do you formulate a sleep schedule?
First of all, you need to initiate an appropriate time to go to sleep, and it is suggested to sleep within 10-12 at night.
You need to sleep for a specific number of hours on a regular basis, let’s say a minimum of 6 hours to a maximum of 9 hours.
Make sure when you’re sleeping, you do not have any distractions around you that might affect your sleep. Make sure if you’re missing out on your routine, you make it up later or take a long nap later.
This will surely set a definite sleep schedule and help you stay healthy.
What are the Effects of Not Having a Proper Sleep Schedule?
First of all, if you do not have a proper sleep schedule, you’re going to hamper your health significantly.
You will feel lazy when performing your tasks and doing your work. In the long run, you will tend to affect some of your organs, and your brain will tend to be less reactive when learning.
If you do not have a proper schedule, you might see yourself sleeping during the daytime and wasting hours of your natural worktime.
Not having a proper sleep schedule will hamper your mood significantly. You’ll wake up with less sleep, and you’ll literally feel like killing everybody, and I’m speaking from experience.
Sleep deprivation primarily affects your mental health.
According to researchers, it has been found that staying awake all night has a positive relation with depression and constant stress.
It is very normal to go to sleep late on occasions if you have a late-night party or a while traveling, but if you make a routine where you’re sleeping late, it’ll adversely affect your body.
You’ll also notice that your decisions will tend to be more wayward if you’re not sleeping properly.
You know you’re hampering your body when sleeping late becomes a habit to you, so you need to take the necessary steps to avoid it.
Why is sleep needed to boost productivity?
Sleeping is like an exercise, honestly.
Try staying deprived of your 1-2 days at a stretch; you’ll see that you’re feeling sick for a prolonged time. You will tend to feel laid out towards your job and tasks, hence affecting your productivity.
Trying oversleeping will also negatively affect your health and productivity. Let’s say you’ve slept for 12 hours at a stretch and after waking, you’ll feel lost for an hour or so trying to figure out how you’ve slept so much. Therefore, it’s a basic necessity to sleep a definite number of hours at a specific time.
A secret advantage of having a proper sleep schedule is having more time for your tasks. If you have a definite sleep routine at night, you’ll make more time to work during the day.
Yes, there are a lot of night owls who tend to be more productive during the day, but according to various research, working early in the morning is said to be more result-oriented. Once again, this might vary from person to person; if you go to a night guard and try to impose that sleeping at night will make him productive, he can object with appropriate reasoning.
In the end, if you’re chalking out your daily tasks and activities, it is essential for you to take time out for sleeping. Your productivity lies in your hands, but if you try to connect the dots one way or the other, your sleep plays a major role in the level of your productivity.