Have you ever complained about people changing with time? Or about someone you’ve known for years and suddenly change their behaviour as if you never knew them?
Then these people change with time quotes will truly assist you to reflect into a harsh truth and deeper meaning about relationships, friendships, and life.
Change lives among us. The world we’re living in and everything in it is bound to regularly change. Political change, climate change, technological change, and most importantly, people change. In fact, people’s lives are highly characterized by constant changes in appearance, behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets.
There might be a day in life where you mind your business without any suspicions, then all of a sudden, you realize that someone close to you changed overnight.
This change can be for good or for worse. But whatever it is, it’s always weird when people change so abruptly. The relationships you put your emotions and efforts into or the friendships you cherished for a long turn into bittersweet experiences in a flash of light.
In such scenarios, it can be helpful to have several inspiring sayings at hand to help and guide you to understand better that people change. Most of these people changing quotes come from some of the wisest people that ever existed on this planet. Therefore, their advice on dealing with people changing with time can be quite helpful and inspiring.
Time change people change – people changing quotes
1.”People change over the years, and that changes situations for good and for bad.” – Bobby Knight.
2.”Times change, people change, thoughts about good and evil change, about true and false. But what always remains fast and steady is the affection that your friends feel for you, those who always have your best interest at heart.” – Margot Frank.
3.”People change for one of two reasons They have learned a lot, or they have been hurt too many times” – Anonymous.
4.”I firmly believe that every six years, a person goes through a serious change. Think about it: At 6, you start school. At about 12, you start hitting puberty. And then it goes on. You start hitting these different mental levels, and people change.” – Randy Houser.
5.”When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Victor E. Frankl.
6.”People change when they hurt enough that they have to change, learn enough that they want to change, receive enough that they are able to change.” – John C. Maxwell.
7.”Things change, time changes. People change, life changes. Time changes things, life changes people.” –
8.”Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” –
9.”Some people change when they think they’re a star or something.” – Paris Hilton.
10.”Sometimes, it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off.” – Unknown.
11.”The good and bad things are what form us as people… change makes us grow.” – Kate Winslet.
12.”People change with time, preferences change with people, and the preferences change with you, so time changes you.” – Visvanath Visu.
13.”People change just in a blink! You won’t get any explanation for that. They change in front of your eyes or behind of your eyes. Just they change unconditionally.” – Salman Aziz.
14.”Time goes by, people change. Nothing ever stays the same.” – Ioza.
15.”Times change, people change, situations change, relationships change. The only thing constant is change.” – Unknown.
16.”Time flies, people change. You are not always needed. There are times to move forward and places to let go.” – Unknown.
17.”People change. I wouldn’t like to be accountable for the interviews I’ve done, or the person I was when I was 20, 21.” – Robbie Williams.
18.”Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” – Will Smith.
19.” I don’t know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change.” – Nicholas Sparks.
20.”When people are ready to, they change. They never do it before then, and sometimes they die before they get around to it. You can’t make them change if they don’t want to, just like when they do want to, you can’t stop them.” – Andy Warhol.
21.”Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.” – Stephen Chbosky.
Time Change, People Change but Lone Individual Walks Alone
The saddest truth of life is that change is everywhere around us, and friends are no exception. Unfortunately, you can’t expect everyone to stand by your side at all times, until and except if you’re the most fortunate girl or boy on the planet.
At a certain point in life, I imagined that on the off chance that everyone around me had my back, anytime! Be that as it may, I was totally wrong about it.
Nevertheless, to carry on with existence, you need to focus on your life and narrow down toward your objectives without necessarily putting faith in other people. Trust me, when you only focus on yourself and accomplishing your everyday objectives, it appears to be simpler and clearer to progress in the direction of that objective without paying attention to people.
Nobody was meant to lead a constructive life while remaining with conflicting individuals. Discard all the conflicting individuals in your life and focus on what’s required to propel your life in the right direction.
You have to become familiar with how things work and not expect perfection in everything that you do or another person accomplish for you. The earlier you recognize that you can’t stop people from changing, the better. Don’t get upset or go stressing, thinking about the people who aren’t bound to change. So, change your thoughts and the whole world around you will change.
With that said, we hope you’ve enjoyed our inspiring people changing with time quotes. If so, make sure to share them with all your friends, family, and loved ones.